- Scietific supervision of the construction of expressway S8 more about project
- Cycling lanes - regions of Podkarpackie Świętokrzyskie Lubelskie more about project
- Scientific supervision of the construction of the Southern Bypass of Warsawmore about project
- Construction of expressway S7, section Jędrzejów-Małopolskie and Świętkorzyskie province boundariesmore about project
- Construction of expressway S7 from Radom bypass to Mazowieckie and Świętokrzyskie province boundariesmore about project
- Leżajsk bypass, 2nd stage more about project
- Przemyśl bypass, 2nd stagemore about project
- Przemyśl bypass, 1st stagemore about project
- A4 motorway, section Rzeszów-Jarosław more about project
- A4 motorway, section Jarosław-Radymno more about project
- A4 motorway, section Radymno-Korczowa more about project
- Southern Bypass of Rzeszów more about project